Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What do you really look like? 6/16/08

So...my new obsession is this website I discovered completely by accident called facestat.com. You post a picture of yourself and define some criteria and people "vote" on your picture based on that criteria. I have always secretly wanted to go on "10 Years Younger" and stand in that box and see what people really think of me. (Oh, and the free dental work and Lasik wouldn't be half bad either!) Anyway, I can't decide if I am just a glutton for punishment or if I just really have an unhealthy obsession with what other people think of me...LOL! Anyway, so far I have been pretty pleased with the results...most people used words to describe me like "friendly", "fun", "natural", "bookworm" (VERY TRUE!!!), and "kind"...it was cool to read! Of course, there were some mean ones on there also and some that just didn't make sense (someone voted me as being 41-49 and another voter picked that I was African American! LOL!)...but overall it was kind of nice to get an idea of what kind of first impression I give. The pictures above are the ones that I used...I tried to pick good ones of course! (As excited as I am to meet my boys, I think I am even more excited to get back into shape again! I hope they are cooperative!)

Question of the Day: Do you think your self-image is pretty accurate?

Good Things:

*The boys are wiggling like CRAZY today which is fun to feel!

*C decided that he wants to be an Ohio State Trooper when he grows up b/c they get to wear cool hats!

*On the voting thing, most people picked that I was at least 5 years younger than I really am! WOOHOO!!

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