Today was my drs appt complete with growth u/s and NST. The u/s was awesome b/c apparently Diane had alot of free time so she spent tons of time showing me different stuff about E & G and getting some cute 3D pictures (these pics are of E)! We got to see E sticking out his tongue and practice breathing and we learned that G has hair! And they are still heads down! I get another u/s to check for presentation next week, but Diane said that she really doesn't think that they have enough room to do a complete flip at this time due to their s
izes. (I hope, I am banking on the fact that they have stayed heads down since about 22 weeks.) I am getting so excited to see these guys! My NST went well too with only E getting the buzzer this time. G passed his test in record time. We also learned that E's estimated weight is 6 lbs 11 oz and G is estimated to weigh 7lbs!!!! I really hope that Diane is right on the money with this (like she was with C) b/c I really want to have nice, healthy, solid babies. I would love for them to both be over 7 lbs at birth. Hmmmm...maybe I should go eat that Ben & Jerry's tonight after all...
J was so excited to hear the report of the babies' sizes and to hear that Dr. M thinks it could be any time now, but we also have an end date in sight. It turns out that Dr. M is leaving the country (just for vacation...don't worry, he isn't fleeing to escape some criminal charges or anything) on July 10th. He told me right at the end of the appointment and commented that he would really like to have me delivered before he left. He didn't actually mention the word "induction" but I know that he doesn't really expect me to make it much longer than my next visit (if I make it to that one). I will ask up front at the next visit and see what he says...maybe he will be on-call and will schedule me for July 4th!! That is the day I am really hoping for! Also, I should mention that he would be gone until after my original due date so I know he wouldn't just wait and see.
Here is C just clowning around and trying to look like Ba! He LOVES my new sunglasses so we went and finally got him his own pair since he isn't as into his hats this year. 
Question of the Day: WWYD in this situation? J & I just looked at each other with raised eyebrows and tried to distract C, but I know he heard it and was looking kind of upset (he really doesn't like to hear people yell or sound angry he is kind of sensitive that way)...
We went to the mall tonight to find sunglasses for C and as we were walking through the food court we heard this mom say to her kids (2 preschool boys...maybe 3 & 4):"d**n YOU!!! I am trying to eat!! Stop putting your sh** all over my plate!!"in basically the loudest & meanest voice ever! I mean, really screaming at them at the top of her voice. Did she not know that everyone in the whole mall could hear her? It was crazy!
Good Things:
*E & G are gaining weight wonderfully and are right on track!!
*End date of prior to July 10th is in sight!
*Found C sunglasses that make him look like a rock star!
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