Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Unhappy Feet 6/4/08

Sorry for the disgusting pic overload, but I am just amazed that a person's feet can look like that! Especially mine. Not that I had the most beautiful feet in the world, but at least you could tell what they were supposed to be! You probably can't see my lovely spider veins in the pics, but everyone that sees them at the drs office or hospital just gets this sad, pained look on their face. Oh well! It is worth it for my boys!

I am getting so excited for the boys' impending arrival! I have a few worries about when/where they will be delivered and whether or not they will get to go home with me, but with each passing day I feel a little bit better! The next couple weeks are the big ones! I would love to go the whole way to 38 weeks and have the boys be born in July though...we'll see how I feel in a few more weeks though!
Question of the Day: What weird changes did you experience during pregnancy? My weirdest thing is a toss up between my nose and lips swelling...who knew that your lips swelled?

Good Things:

*Fingers crossed that we will go and buy the mom-mobile tomorrow after the truck is inspected!

*C called up Grammy and said "Ha B-ay Bee!!" (He decided that if Grampy got a name, then Grammy needed one too so he picked "Bee"!)

*J is home so I can actually get some much-needed cleaning done since I am not under the scrutiny of the sit-down nazi!


soupy said...

Lisa, You are doing so well with carrying twins! I am in awe. I hope you get your dream "mom-mobile".

Jennifer said...


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