Friday, June 13, 2008

More Carseat Freaks and the Attack of the Polar Bear 6/13/08

Ordered the carseats that should actually fit into the Vibe today. (Thanks Bic!) Now, all we have to do is hope that the boys aren't delivered before their seats!! Today was sooo hot and humid, but luckily this evening a big storm rolled in and cooled it right off. I hope that this is the beginning of the cool front that we are supposed to be getting. Now that it is getting closer and closer to the boys' arrival, I am getting so emotional. All I want to do is cuddle C and kiss him to pieces b/c I know it is going to be so hard for him when they arrive. Luckily, he is a fairly independent kid so he can play by himself without many problems. So, I feel guilty for that b/c I am going to be spending so much time with the munchkins, but I also feel guilty that I don't spend nearly as much time talking to E & G as I did when I was pg with C. I hardly ever rub my belly much b/c it makes me have contractions so I kind of feel like I am not as bonded with them as I was with C. And I still feel this sense of none of this is real. I don't know. Part of me feels like I am doing a great job of getting ready for them and the rest of me feels like it is hopeless and I will not be able to do a good job. Bic didn't help matters much today with his comment about how people didn't used to take their babies anywhere for months after they were born. He is completely convinced that it is impossible for someone to take all three of them somewhere by him/herself. I really don't want that to be me. I want us to be able to do fun stuff and take C places with his brothers. I know that it won't be the easiest thing I have ever done.

Anyway, enough of the worries...who can worry when they are under attack by a crazy POLAR BEAR!!!

Ahhhh...the polar bear sleeps....

Question of the Day: Am I completely insane for ordering carseats that will take at least 5-7 days to be delivered when I am 35 weeks pregnant? Nevermind. I think I already know the answer to that one! ;)

Good Things:
*Got the new seats ordered!!
*Cool weather is moving in!
*C's polar bear impression was the best thing I have seen in ages!!

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