Today I was playing around on one of the message board sites that I like to frequent and they had this cool tool on there: Height Predictor for Toddlers (well, I'm sure it had a much cooler name than that...and if I was really cool you could probably just click on that title and automatically go to the site, but whatever)! So, of course, I clicked on it...it asked for C's current height, weight, and age as well as J & I's height. I entered in all the info and waited while the brillant masterminds figured out just how tall C would be when he was grown....drumroll please.... 6'6"!!!!!! Wow! That seems amazing to me! I'm sure since this was a cool tool I found online that it is 100% accurate and C actually will grow to be 6'6"! After all, the internet is like television...if it is on there it must be true. Actually, I wouldn't be super surprised if C did wind up as the next point guard for Bic's favorite team UK Wildcats b/c J is the runt of the litter at 6'1" and both sides of my family have plenty of 6ft+ers! Anyway, Bic is already starting to work on C's jumpshot...
Okay, that was slightly startling, but this was REALLY startling....J called his mom the other day to let her know about us going in to the hospital with some preterm labor issues. While he was on the phone he found out many interesting things. 1) MIL is planning on getting custody of our nephew b/c apparently his mother is going to jail and his dad (J's brother) is either already in jail or on his way back or in some other way completely unfit for raising a child. While I think that almost anywhere would be better for him than where he is now, this particular choice doesn't seem to be the best one. Although, I must say that J turned out really good so I guess a 30% success rate is better than a 0%! 2) The dad of said child (yep, still J's brother) has another baby on the way to some random person. There is some connection, but I would need J to explain whose friend's-daughter's-cousin's-stepsister's-aunt's-neighbor it actually was. I am sure she will be a better mother than baby momma #1 though... (insert eye roll smiley here!)maybe MIL can get custody of that one too and just raise 'em up right like she did with her two younger ones. I am sure there is more that I can't think of but after J talks for more than 1 mintutes about things going on down there, my brain shuts off to protect itself.
Question of the Day: Do you think kids today are getting ridiculously tall? I know as a substitute teacher I had many 5th and 6th graders that were as tall as me and I am 5'8"! Is there a point where it will level off or will most people be over 7' by the time our great-grandkids are born?
Good Things:
*The boys did an excellent job on their NST!
*The nurse told me that I should start bringing my bag with me to my appointments!
*More friends called to check up on me! That just makes me feel good!
Okay, that was slightly startling, but this was REALLY startling....J called his mom the other day to let her know about us going in to the hospital with some preterm labor issues. While he was on the phone he found out many interesting things. 1) MIL is planning on getting custody of our nephew b/c apparently his mother is going to jail and his dad (J's brother) is either already in jail or on his way back or in some other way completely unfit for raising a child. While I think that almost anywhere would be better for him than where he is now, this particular choice doesn't seem to be the best one. Although, I must say that J turned out really good so I guess a 30% success rate is better than a 0%! 2) The dad of said child (yep, still J's brother) has another baby on the way to some random person. There is some connection, but I would need J to explain whose friend's-daughter's-cousin's-stepsister's-aunt's-neighbor it actually was. I am sure she will be a better mother than baby momma #1 though... (insert eye roll smiley here!)maybe MIL can get custody of that one too and just raise 'em up right like she did with her two younger ones. I am sure there is more that I can't think of but after J talks for more than 1 mintutes about things going on down there, my brain shuts off to protect itself.
Question of the Day: Do you think kids today are getting ridiculously tall? I know as a substitute teacher I had many 5th and 6th graders that were as tall as me and I am 5'8"! Is there a point where it will level off or will most people be over 7' by the time our great-grandkids are born?
Good Things:
*The boys did an excellent job on their NST!
*The nurse told me that I should start bringing my bag with me to my appointments!
*More friends called to check up on me! That just makes me feel good!
1 comment:
I have read somewhere that each generation is 1/4" taller on average then the previous generation. Doubt that's really true. It is strange to think that maybe 100 years ago or so, anyone over 5' was considered tall. Hmmmm...
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