Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Labor Day 6/24/08

I woke up around 10:00 this morning and came downstairs to make breakfast for myself and little man. As I was getting everything ready, I realized that I was having some contratctions. They were fairly strong (strong enough for me to stop what I was doing and take notice of how long it lasted), but very far apart. I was a little excited that maybe it would turn into something, but unsure since I was only have 3-4 each hour. Soon after we got up, my dad arrived to take care of C. I peeked out the window to see what he drove and realized that he had his pickup with no carseat for C and just a tiny "jumpseat" for me if we needed to head to the hospital. As I was getting ready to tell him about the contractions, he told me that my mom's assistant was missing work due to her car breaking down, so I decided to not make him panic and not mention anything. I did decide to lay down and relax since I knew that at best I wouldn't be leaving until after 5pm since I would have to wait for my mom or J to get off work.

As I was taking my nap, I was awakened several times by contractions but still pretty far apart. I took that as a good sign that this might really be it since they weren't phased at all by lying down. Luckily, I slept from around 11:45 until almost 2pm so by the time I got up it was almost time for someone else to be getting home. I TMed J and (very slyly) simply asked if he was planning on being home on time. He replied that he was so I started getting pretty excited and finished packing my bag and did a couple of other small jobs before he got home. There were still a few things left on our cleaning checklist, but luckily we had gotten almost everything done over the weekend! At 4:15pm I got a phone call telling me that Jack was on his way home! That was amazing b/c not only was he going to be home on time, he was going to be EARLY! AT 4:45pm, I called my mom and told her about the regular contractions that were now about 10 minutes apart and asked what she thought I should do. We thought that it would be best if he hung around for awhile to see if there was any more progression.

Around 5pm, C and my dad got up from their nap and I told my dad what had been going on. As soon as J got home, we took C for a long walk to see if the contractions would get any closer together. We walked to Subway and got supper. As we were walking there, the contractions began to get closer and closer together. By the time we got back, they were every 4 minutes so we kicked into high gear and finished our cleaning checklist and loaded up the car. We headed to the hospital and were taken right upstairs to L & D. I was hooked up to the monitors while Jack checked me in. After the monitors showed that I was having regular contractions the nurse decided to check me. I told J I would be disappointed if I wasn't at least at 5 cms. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. She reported that I was still at 2, but very soft. We weren't sure what the plan would be so we waited. Dr. M ordered an u/s to check for presentation and to check their sizes. As we were waiting for the u/s, the nurse checked me again and I was at 3cm. WOOHOO! Progress! The u/s was nice, but kind of boring since I had just had one the day before. J and I almost fell asleep several times since it was about 2am by this point. When we got back to the room, they checked again and I was close to 4cm.

[To be continued...these entries look a little different b/c obviously they were typed up several days later....]

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