Sunday, July 6, 2008

Nursing Nerves 7/6/08

Ugh! I must confess I really, really dislike the first few weeks of newborn life...I hate the whole dirty diaper count and watching the clock trying to get a sleepy baby to get a few more drinks in. I think it is even worse times two!! I look at my smaller twin's tiny face (and invariably compare it to his brother's chubbier, "healthier" look) and worry myself that I am starving him. I see him eating frequently, I know that he is getting plenty of milk b/c I watch him fall asleep with milk dripping off his cheek, and he has plenty of dirty diapers, but still I worry...
I bought some Mother's Milk tea to try and boost my supply and I am going to get some fenugreek tomorrow at GNC so hopefully in a few more days I will feel more confident! Of course, my supply is not my only concern with this little man...I also worry that he is working hard to nurse (he is a ferocious eater!) and is burning off calories that he needs to grow...

I long for the days of nerve-free nursing! They can't get here soon enough...

No questions today...

Good Things:
*J has actually came home from work at a decent time TWICE in a row...wait!! THREE times in a row if you count the day I went into labor!
*E & G stayed up late for Daddy and slept in until 6 am for Mommy! Good job boys!
*C was super easy to put down for his nap today and cuddled with me the whole sweet!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

C Conquers the Big Boy Bed 7/5/08

Here is my secret:

C has always slept in his crib from Day 1. Sure, he would take naps "on" people and cuddle in our bed until he fell asleep, but we never co-slept in the early baby/little sleep stages. Way too scary for me! However, for some bizarre reason around 19 months, we decided to let Little Man share our bed. I think that it started out with him being sick and us wanting to keep a close eye on him and make sure he stayed comfortable all night...but then it turned into an every night thing. As the due date of the twins approached, I started thinking that it would be a good idea to move him out of our bed and into his big boy bed. We got him new furniture & bedding and a bedrail to keep him from falling out and the room looked really cute...but still never got used...As the days went on, I started sleeping in there b/c it gave me room to manuever my gigantic belly and I didn't disturb anyone with my snoring or popping out of bed every 3 minutes to pee. But still C never slept in there other than for a nap or two. I was starting to get very worried about what we would do when the babies actually came home...apparently, that was a needless worry. The very first night E & G were home, C climbed into bed with us and the boys set up camp in their Pack N Play in the corner of our room. After several crying episodes, C got really tired of listening to it and started to cry too. We panicked! We already were worried that he would hate us for bringing his brothers to live with us, but now he wasn't even able to get any sleep!! J volunteered to take him into his big boy bed and lay down with him there where it would be quiet and peaceful. Seconds after laying down, he fell fast asleep and didn't wake up until around 8am the next morning. He has done this every night since! We are sooooo proud of our big boy!

Question of the Day: Would you buy a car off of a dealer who you had problems with in the past in the service department? There is a van I am interested in that is a great price, but it is at the dealership that gave us tons of trouble with our truck in the past. We have purchased 2 cars from them and have had great experiences with the purchases, but the service dept. has really left a bad taste in my mouth. I know that I wouldn't have to use that service department if I did purchase there, but now I kind of don't want to give them any business although I do think that van is really nice and a good price! What to do?

Good Things:
*The big boy bed is hit!
*The babies are sleeping fairly well at night! :)
*I am feeling a teensy big more "normal" now with everyone at home...I actually got bummed out yesterday when I spilled something on my favorite maternity capris b/c that meant that I wouldn't be able to wear them "next time". ;)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Back to the Blog...Cranky Bugs and More!! 7/2/08

So...things have been a tiny bit busy around here this past week! Sorry to be so lazy with my blogging! E & G are doing great! We call them the "cranky bugs" off of an episode of Thomas the Tank Engine. They are fairly patient with us, but definitely aren't afraid to let us know when something isn't right! C is still thrilled with them and loves to look at them and interact. Hopefully, his infatuation won't wear off before they get to the cute, smiley stage! Our wonderful neighbors came over yesterday with a delicious meal and held the twins while we enjoyed it in peace out on our patio. They told me that they boys are beautiful and seemed to really mean it...I LOVE makes me feel really proud that I make beautiful babies...I hope that I can keep them as happy and fun-loving as their big brother! Overall, the adjustment has seemed fairly easy. The babies eat and sleep alot while the rest of us do our thing. It is a whole different world than bringing home C. All the nervousness and anxiety are basically gone (other than massive doses of Mommy and Daddy guilt b/c C has been the star of the show for so long...he is getting spoiled rotten and loving it though!) but I definitely do NOT feel the baby fever urge like I did immediately after C was born. Am I done? Who knows? But it is good to not have the "missing being pregnant" feeling that I had with C. I think I cried more b/c I was no longer pregnant than I did about other hormonal things. Even though I had an easy pregnancy I guess 5+months of not being able to bend at the waist or walk without waddling is not something I will remember quite as fondly...

Today we took a trip to the park and we got a few pictures! (E is the one in his carseat...couldn't get any of C b/c he was too busy running around with Daddy! I did get a cute video of him swinging, but I haven't figured those out yet...) We didn't stay a whole long time b/c we left fairly close to lunch time and they still are working on the playground equipment, but it was still a nice outing!

Question of the Day: Work?? Agh!!! Who would have ever dreamed that I would actually feel bad about NOT going back to work? When C was born, it felt like I would lose an actual limb if I would have been forced into working more than super-minimal part-time! I seriously cried and cried for weeks at even the thought! But this time I am leaving a job that I LOVED and was good at and was very proud of...and it is much more difficult! Bic basically won't even consider babysitting 2 babies b/c they would be so young so I know I really don't have an option, but I am still considering trying to work things out. Hmmmm....I guess I just get such a sense of satisfaction and worth from it that it is hard to give up.

Good Things:

*E & G are doing fantastic and are seriously cute!

*C is loving on his brothers!

*C started sleeping in his big boy bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I think Iwill dedicate tomorrow's blog to that whole story...we are soooo super proud of him!)

E & G Arrive!!! 6/25/08

[continued from "Labor Day 6/24/08"]

We slept for awhile until it was time for Dr. M to come. He checked me and saw that I was close to 5 and decided to break my water. He couldn't get a good hook on the bag of waters so he decided to let me get my epidural first and then add pitocin and then try again. That was an ingenious plan. Up to this point, while my contractions were very regular and showing up as strong on the monitors, they were pretty painless. I was at ease while they administered the epidural and WOW! did it work! The nurse checked me and I was already at 6cms with no pain. Dr. M came in and broke my water. It took a little while to go from 6-8, but once I hit 8 we were home free! The nurses scurried around trying to get the room ready quickly with all the millions of things needed for a twin birth. Dr. M came in a couple minutes later and saw that I was at 9 and very stretchy. He had me do a practice push with the next contraction and pronounced me complete! The nurses all came back in to get the delivery underway and were laughing at me b/c I was so happy and had the biggest smile on my face as they came in! After 3 pushes, they called Dr. M back in b/c Evan's head was ready to be delivered and I had to wait it out a few minutes as he got into position. At 2:56 pm, E was born weighing 6 lbs 3 oz and 19" long. He came out screaming! They put him on my belly and I marveled at how tiny he was! Jack cut his cord and the nurses scooped him up and took him over to be examined by the pediatrician. I asked Dr. M if I should keep pushing to deliver G. He then told me that G had flipped and was now breech! The u/s machine was brought in and the monitors moved so that they could track him on his way out! Dr. M basically pulled him out with the help of a few pushes to his shoulders and then maneuvered them through one at a time. It seemed to take forever to get his head delivered and when they did he didn't cry. I was so scared! The nurses suctioned him and he still didn't cry. I could see his chest moving so I knew he was alive, but I didn't know what was wrong b/c he wasn't making noise and his body was so blue. The nurses whisked him away and got him on the oxygen mask right away. I was so grateful to hear his big wail join his brother's shortly after that! They were screaming in unison! G was born feet-first at 3:06 pm weighing 6 lbs 8 oz and 20" long. I had no stitches, no tearing and literally no pain. I had to be reminded the first 24 hours to even take the Motrin. I was up and walking to the nursery to see my boys within 1 hour. It would have been sooner but that was the earliest that I could feel my right leg! I am so thankful for the wonderful delivery that I had and the excellent care that my dr and nurses took of me and my babies! Both boys did wonderfully and we were all able to go home together less than 48 hours after delivery!

Labor Day 6/24/08

I woke up around 10:00 this morning and came downstairs to make breakfast for myself and little man. As I was getting everything ready, I realized that I was having some contratctions. They were fairly strong (strong enough for me to stop what I was doing and take notice of how long it lasted), but very far apart. I was a little excited that maybe it would turn into something, but unsure since I was only have 3-4 each hour. Soon after we got up, my dad arrived to take care of C. I peeked out the window to see what he drove and realized that he had his pickup with no carseat for C and just a tiny "jumpseat" for me if we needed to head to the hospital. As I was getting ready to tell him about the contractions, he told me that my mom's assistant was missing work due to her car breaking down, so I decided to not make him panic and not mention anything. I did decide to lay down and relax since I knew that at best I wouldn't be leaving until after 5pm since I would have to wait for my mom or J to get off work.

As I was taking my nap, I was awakened several times by contractions but still pretty far apart. I took that as a good sign that this might really be it since they weren't phased at all by lying down. Luckily, I slept from around 11:45 until almost 2pm so by the time I got up it was almost time for someone else to be getting home. I TMed J and (very slyly) simply asked if he was planning on being home on time. He replied that he was so I started getting pretty excited and finished packing my bag and did a couple of other small jobs before he got home. There were still a few things left on our cleaning checklist, but luckily we had gotten almost everything done over the weekend! At 4:15pm I got a phone call telling me that Jack was on his way home! That was amazing b/c not only was he going to be home on time, he was going to be EARLY! AT 4:45pm, I called my mom and told her about the regular contractions that were now about 10 minutes apart and asked what she thought I should do. We thought that it would be best if he hung around for awhile to see if there was any more progression.

Around 5pm, C and my dad got up from their nap and I told my dad what had been going on. As soon as J got home, we took C for a long walk to see if the contractions would get any closer together. We walked to Subway and got supper. As we were walking there, the contractions began to get closer and closer together. By the time we got back, they were every 4 minutes so we kicked into high gear and finished our cleaning checklist and loaded up the car. We headed to the hospital and were taken right upstairs to L & D. I was hooked up to the monitors while Jack checked me in. After the monitors showed that I was having regular contractions the nurse decided to check me. I told J I would be disappointed if I wasn't at least at 5 cms. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. She reported that I was still at 2, but very soft. We weren't sure what the plan would be so we waited. Dr. M ordered an u/s to check for presentation and to check their sizes. As we were waiting for the u/s, the nurse checked me again and I was at 3cm. WOOHOO! Progress! The u/s was nice, but kind of boring since I had just had one the day before. J and I almost fell asleep several times since it was about 2am by this point. When we got back to the room, they checked again and I was close to 4cm.

[To be continued...these entries look a little different b/c obviously they were typed up several days later....]

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