Thursday, May 29, 2008

Doggie Bath Days 5/29/08

Today was another beautiful day! I had my drs appt. this morning and was so relieved by everything. My dr doesn't consider me a candidate for bedrest even though I have had 2 episodes of preterm labor b/c my contractions are easily stopped by medication and not triggered by activity! That is a huge relief! Plus, I was excited to discover that I did not gain any weight this time...I really hope that trend continues or I actually lose a little before the boys are born since I am trying to get back into my healthy eating routine before they get here. I am just such a big gainer when I am pregnant even if I am trying to eat is kind of frustrating. Luckily, Dr M likes to remind me at each appt that alot of it is fluid retention which makes me want to hug him! Hopefully, he is right since I just got one of my new nursing tanks in the mail today and it looks so tiny that it seems hopeless I will ever get it on. I would LOVE to come back in a few months and complain that it is too big!

Goings on...
C helped Grampy bathe the big, bad mutt today and he seemed to have a blast! Well, mostly he liked running around the yard screaming whenever the dog shook water all over him. It was too cute!

Creepy Question of the Day:
Am I some type of nutjob parent who thinks nothing of bringing their 2 yo into the hospital immediately following his brothers' birth? I cannot imagine not having him come in and meet them as soon as possible...I do feel that he is too little to be in the room WHILE they are being born b/c he just wouldn't understand what was going on and it would frighten him. But, I think that as soon as the room is cleaned up and the boys are in the room with us, I want him there! I would not be able to wait the whole time we were in the hospital until we got home. I thought that was pretty normal, but after reading on some message boards it seems like many people are waiting. Oh well! I am not budging on this one!

Good Things:
* My FABULOUS Dr appt!!
*Cole's hysterical imitations of both the dog getting sick and later eating grass!
*My school is so nice that they mailed me my paycheck early so that I would actually get it on the day that I get paid instead of mailing it out that day!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Butt Tattoos and Lawnmowers 5/28/08

So, I decided to start this blog as an attempt to keep track of daily life. We'll see if I am any better at keeping track of it than I am at managing it! Today was a GORGEOUS day! In the upper 60s with beautiful sunshine (not something we get everyday here in PA!) and just a very gentle breeze. J was off work so we had a fantastic, relaxed family day. Not too much to report. C did get a fabulous pirate skull-n-crossbones tattoo right on his BUTT!! It will be a nice surprise for Grampy tomorrow when he does the first diaper change. I wanted to post a pic of that, but don't feel like being arrested for having baby butt pics posted online! Then, I had a big plan to post a video of C helping Big Daddy mow the lawn, but I am not technically adept enough to post videos. Instead, I will post a pic of C hanging out in the back of the pickup. Hopefully, only one more week and the pickup will be history and the van will be parked in the driveway! Scrappy and Spanky have been behaving today so I am grateful for that...drs appt tomorrow so we will see if I have to do actual bedrest or if I can keep up with my "restful" routine.
Creepy Question of the Day: What would you do with your kids if something happened to you and your spouse?
I never really thought about this much before, because I figured it would be no problem to find someone willing to take C. But with #2 &# 3 on the way it really changes things. It would be a much larger burden to shoulder and something for people to really think hard about. I think I would like the kids to go to my brother, but I have no idea how he would feel about that idea. Hmmm...that is an interesting conversation to imagine...
Good Things:
*J got a call about a new job that would only be 5.5 miles from our house!!
*We got a cheaper rate for our electric bill!
*We got the truck to start AND got the registration card so we are ON for trading it in and getting the mom-mobile!! WOOHOO!

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