Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I walked into his room this morning as he woke up saying "Is that my sunshine I hear?"
He replied, "No Ba! It's C T!!!"

"Wape UP!!!!!!!" lovingly yelled into his (finally!) sleeping brothers' faces

Having a conversation with my mom about nights with the twins, I commented "Sometimes I just want to pull my hair out..." C came running over with a concerned look on his face and said " No Ba! Don't pull...CUT!!"

When I was nursing G and commented that my back hurt, he leaned right over and kissed it to make it all better.

Super polite...when asked if he would like to take a nap, he replies "No Thanks!"

Also, at naptime, after telling me "No Thanks" that he would NOT like a nap, I finally convinced his teary self to lie down and I would cover him with his knit blankets...he insisted on "dino covers" and then said "Thanks Ba! " when I covered him up even though he was ADAMANT that he didn't want to take a nap!

Last night when I was upstairs putting E to bed, he came running upstairs "Please come downstairs Ba and see Bic!" How could I refuse?

He hands me an envelope from his playhouse..."Op and see!" Whose it from? "Sant.....Claus!" (Already?????)

When G was crying..."Pick him up and throw him outside!" ( you think I'd get in trouble for that?)

Runs in circles..."I'm dizzy!" Falls down..."I okay! Just shall down!" (Rinse and repeat.)

Brings over a container full of puzzle pieces "I baked a cake!" Takes it away... "Too HOT!! Let it cool down!" Blows on it... "Blow!" Hands it back to me... "Chew Chew Chew! Don't choke!"

Bea taught him donkey sounds...Bic told him that if he eats "bales of hay" (Frosted Mini-Wheats) he will turn into a donkey...Ba gave him bales of hay" and a little container of milk to dip them in..."Donkeys dip the bales of hay into milk? That's CRAZY!!"

After yanking back the curtain while I was showering..."Hi Ba! Are you clean and shiny?"

I'm sure this post will grow and grow... :)

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