Sunday, July 6, 2008

Nursing Nerves 7/6/08

Ugh! I must confess I really, really dislike the first few weeks of newborn life...I hate the whole dirty diaper count and watching the clock trying to get a sleepy baby to get a few more drinks in. I think it is even worse times two!! I look at my smaller twin's tiny face (and invariably compare it to his brother's chubbier, "healthier" look) and worry myself that I am starving him. I see him eating frequently, I know that he is getting plenty of milk b/c I watch him fall asleep with milk dripping off his cheek, and he has plenty of dirty diapers, but still I worry...
I bought some Mother's Milk tea to try and boost my supply and I am going to get some fenugreek tomorrow at GNC so hopefully in a few more days I will feel more confident! Of course, my supply is not my only concern with this little man...I also worry that he is working hard to nurse (he is a ferocious eater!) and is burning off calories that he needs to grow...

I long for the days of nerve-free nursing! They can't get here soon enough...

No questions today...

Good Things:
*J has actually came home from work at a decent time TWICE in a row...wait!! THREE times in a row if you count the day I went into labor!
*E & G stayed up late for Daddy and slept in until 6 am for Mommy! Good job boys!
*C was super easy to put down for his nap today and cuddled with me the whole sweet!

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