Saturday, July 5, 2008

C Conquers the Big Boy Bed 7/5/08

Here is my secret:

C has always slept in his crib from Day 1. Sure, he would take naps "on" people and cuddle in our bed until he fell asleep, but we never co-slept in the early baby/little sleep stages. Way too scary for me! However, for some bizarre reason around 19 months, we decided to let Little Man share our bed. I think that it started out with him being sick and us wanting to keep a close eye on him and make sure he stayed comfortable all night...but then it turned into an every night thing. As the due date of the twins approached, I started thinking that it would be a good idea to move him out of our bed and into his big boy bed. We got him new furniture & bedding and a bedrail to keep him from falling out and the room looked really cute...but still never got used...As the days went on, I started sleeping in there b/c it gave me room to manuever my gigantic belly and I didn't disturb anyone with my snoring or popping out of bed every 3 minutes to pee. But still C never slept in there other than for a nap or two. I was starting to get very worried about what we would do when the babies actually came home...apparently, that was a needless worry. The very first night E & G were home, C climbed into bed with us and the boys set up camp in their Pack N Play in the corner of our room. After several crying episodes, C got really tired of listening to it and started to cry too. We panicked! We already were worried that he would hate us for bringing his brothers to live with us, but now he wasn't even able to get any sleep!! J volunteered to take him into his big boy bed and lay down with him there where it would be quiet and peaceful. Seconds after laying down, he fell fast asleep and didn't wake up until around 8am the next morning. He has done this every night since! We are sooooo proud of our big boy!

Question of the Day: Would you buy a car off of a dealer who you had problems with in the past in the service department? There is a van I am interested in that is a great price, but it is at the dealership that gave us tons of trouble with our truck in the past. We have purchased 2 cars from them and have had great experiences with the purchases, but the service dept. has really left a bad taste in my mouth. I know that I wouldn't have to use that service department if I did purchase there, but now I kind of don't want to give them any business although I do think that van is really nice and a good price! What to do?

Good Things:
*The big boy bed is hit!
*The babies are sleeping fairly well at night! :)
*I am feeling a teensy big more "normal" now with everyone at home...I actually got bummed out yesterday when I spilled something on my favorite maternity capris b/c that meant that I wouldn't be able to wear them "next time". ;)

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