Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Science Questions...Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

So...when you have twins one of the most common questions you hear is: "Are they fraternal or identical?" And it really sucks to answer "I don't know!". During my pregnancy, I assumed the boys were fraternal b/c they had two separate sacs and two separate placentas (di/di twins). As I did some more research, I found that knowing that information meant ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! The only way to know one way or another was f you had identical twins sharing a chorionic sac (mo/mo twins) anything else was fair game. After I delivered, I felt like the boys looked fairly different and we picked little differences to help us tell them apart. Unfortunately, in the first few days those "little differences" changed everyday...thank God for the bracelets! When we got them home, I was fairly sure I knew who was who, but to avoid any major Mommy guilt, we painted one of G's toenails a manly shade of blue. By the time that wore off, I was easily able to tell who was who but J & other family members are forever mixing them up. It baffles me b/c I feel like although they look remarkably alike there are still enough differences to easily tell (unless they are wearing matching jammies and blankets and it is the middle of the night! Sorry guys!!). Most strangers automatically assume they are identical whenever they see them, but I NEED to know! I think we are going to spring for the DNA test sometime after Christmas...

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